Brenda Reeves Sturgis
Award winning picture book author & poet
About Brenda

Brenda Sturgis was born Brenda Lee Ferris on June 25, 1962, weighing in at a whopping 3.5 lbs.(That’s like 3½ packages of hot dogs!) She wore 20-inch doll clothes and fit inside a shoe box!She was a ferocious looker of Golden Books,falling asleep with picture books in her hands and a thumb in her mouth. When she grew up she filled pages and pages and books and books with poetry. While in high school she missed out on many peer parties because she was hunkered in her house reading; but it washer favorite pastime then—and still is today.

In 1980 she graduated from Westbrook High School, in Westbrook, Maine. She joined the United States Air Force, where she proudly served at Aviano Air Base in Aviano, Italy. She married in 1981 and had four children in the following years. She traveled to wonderful, far-away places like Venice, Rome, Trieste, Florence, Spain, and South Dakota.
In 2004 while with her daughter at an author visit, fate intervened and Brenda met picture book author Lynn Plourde. Brenda asked Lynn the question that would change the direction of her life: “How do I become a writer?” Lynn directed Brenda to the SCBWI (Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators.) Brenda became a member and never looked back.
In 2007 Brenda won first place and an honorable mention in Roxyanne Young’s Smart Writers Contest, judged by famed writer and Blueboard creator Verla Kay, with her story, “The Football Game,” now retitled, “Touchdown!” In 2008 Brenda sold 10 Turkeys in the Road to Margery Cuyler after being paired with her at RUCCL (Rutgers University Council of Children’s Literature). In 2014 Brenda won the MeeGenius Author Challenge with her story Touchdown!
Brenda lives on a lake that she loves in Maine. When she is not busy enjoying life, she is researching and writing, writing and reading, and she is very busy grandparenting. Brenda is the mother of four children and seven grandchildren. She’s married to her perfect prince, Gary. She likes liver and onions, Brussel sprouts, and chocolate, but not all at the same time!